Moderators: Parts Shop Max, Dan at MAX USA
Author Post
Wed Nov 13 2013, 07:23pm
Registered Member #15971
Joined: Wed Nov 13 2013, 07:18pm

Posts: 3
I have an rps13 180sx with laurel C35 front knuckles and 5 lug hubs.
What type of PRO FLCA/TENROD Combo i need to buy for s13 or for S14?
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Dan at MAX USA
Thu Nov 14 2013, 12:01am

Registered Member #2
Joined: Sun Jan 21 2007, 08:28pm

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I dont know anything about Laurel Parts but one clue is if you have 14mm coilover lower mount to knuckle bolts, then its likely the same as S14.

You have a Nissan 5 lug hub or conversion aftermarket hub?

the exact issue though on the FLCA is the taper angle. so if you have a known 13 or 14 FLCA and test it on the Laurel knuckle, and the taper sits correctly (really sits firmly without being bolted on), you have your answer
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Thu Nov 14 2013, 12:18pm
Registered Member #15971
Joined: Wed Nov 13 2013, 07:18pm

Posts: 3
its nissan OEM hub
i dont remember exactly about the bolts. Do i change them or not.
It was a long time ago.
But i remember that i`ve changed the stock s13 ball joint to an R33 ball joint to fit stock s13 LCA on that C35 knucle. And i dont remember why exactly, but it seems its because it wont fit correct.
So if i understand it correct s13 ball joint is thicker than s14 and thats the main difference between the pbm LCA combo? and i need to realize what kind of ball joint is correct for my C35 knuckle.
also C35 almost=S15 in suspension
so i guess i need s14 one.

[ Edited Thu Nov 14 2013, 01:47pm ]
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Thu Nov 14 2013, 01:59pm
Registered Member #15971
Joined: Wed Nov 13 2013, 07:18pm

Posts: 3
so i figured it out C35 knuckle is identical to s15 knuckle
so i need s14 type
Dan, thanks for the hint.
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